Get to know us

JGLR is a student-run journal found in 2012 in association with the Community of International Moot Court, Universitas Gadjah Mada Faculty of Law. Since then, we have annually published print journals written by law students worldwide. On our 12th year, we now call for short-form contributions, allowing for rigorous and timely discourse in our newly established blog.

Editorial Board

Rafsi Albar

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Raihan Sjahputra

Executive Editor
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Executive Editor
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Aida Latifa

Executive Editor
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Felicia Andryanti

Executive Editor
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Rachelle Tan

Executive Editor
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Eugenia Siregar

Associate Editor
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Fresina Choerupriyatna

Associate Editor
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Rizky Anugrah

Associate Editor
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Keyza Audirasandi

Associate Editor
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Sabina Zildji

Associate Editor
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Keep in touch!

For any inquiries, email us at