Submit to our blog!
JGLR: Thoughts!
Scope and Style
We welcome submissions from vast areas of international law including, but not limited to, public international law, private international law, as well as comparative law. With the aim of fostering academic debate, interdisciplinary submission, works focusing on current issues, and critical perspectives are highly encouraged. However, we also consider theoretical contributions such as the analysis of fundamental principle, concept, or theory of international law. Contributors are welcome to submit their works as a reply to related works on JGLR or other platforms (see examples here and here).
There is no specific style, contributors are free to use their personal phraseology. Nevertheless, as it is a blog post, please make a concise thesis statement in the first or second paragraph of your works. It gives the first impression to the editor and the reader. It also helps us in determining whether to proceed with your work or not. Make sure that your contributions are explanatory and argumentative, avoid just retelling the event. Submissions are written in English. Nevertheless, do not feel discouraged from submitting a piece even if English is not your first language, as our Editorial Team will make necessary adjustments on grammatical errors. Parallel submissions and cross-posting are generally accepted. However, the contributors are responsible to make sure that they do not contradict the guidelines of the other publication in question and/or have been permitted to do so.
Symposium Proposals
We also accept symposium proposals. Please send your proposal which consists of the theme, content, contributors, and dates to with the subject “Symposium Proposal_Theme_Name”.
Formal Requirements
Articles should be:
Written in American English and on a topic relevant to JGLR’s scope;
Ranged between 1,000 to 1,500 words. We may consider longer submissions. However, if your works are longer than 3000 words, please consider submitting it to our print journal;
Be written by no more than two authors (contributions from others may be acknowledged in the text);
Submitted in Word (.docx) format;
Written using Arial font, sized 11, spaced at 1.15;
If necessary, be divided into one or more subsections with subtitles in bold;
Include citations to legitimate sources (other international law blogs count and even encouraged) in the form of hyperlinks. Footnotes are only allowed for additional context when absolutely necessary;
If the author so believes, be accompanied with images, but proper credit should be given as necessary, otherwise use public domain images;
Include a brief author’s profile that consists of academic and/or professional expertise(s) of no more than 75 words which could include hyperlinks to social media accounts.
Submission Process
Please send your submission by filling JGLR's online article submission here.
Rename your document to “Online Submission_Your Name_Title” for example “Online Submission_Rafsi Albar_Two Negatives Make a Positive? Nigerien Coup and the Question of Inter-Junta Recognition’s Legitimacy”.
If it is a joint submission, every writer’s name should be written (for example: “Online Submission_Rachelle Tan, Nivia_International Security Law from Below: A Critique to Recent Developments”)
We will evaluate on a merit basis, and we do take into consideration the topic’s time sensitivity. Generally, please expect a few back and forth editing processes.
We look forward to your contributions!
If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us
Feeling like writing longer forms? Submit to our print journal!
Print Journal
We are awaiting your submissions for our 10th Volume! '
Submit your manuscript by 30 June 2024 here.
Submissions are open to any current undergraduate (S-1/Bachelor’s) or graduate students (S-2/Master’s and S-3/Doctorate) from any university. Each article, case commentary, book review, and article review may have up to 4 (four) contributors.
Scope of subject:
Public International Law, Private International Law, and Comparative Law
Manuscript format:
Font: Garamond
Title: 20 words max
Abstract: 150-250 words
Word count (including footnotes, excluding title, sub-title, abstract, bibliography, inside notes, and, if any, “about the author”)
Research articles: 5000-10000 words
Book reviews: 2000-5000 words
Case commentaries and article reviews: 2000-4000 words
Submissions must be written in proper academic English, which must adhere to the American style of spelling
Any citations shall be written in the form of footnotes, the style of which shall be modeled after the examples as laid down in the Chicago 17th edition citation guidelines
Additional policies:
Submissions are subject to a double-blind peer review process
Each submission shall be subjected to a preliminary review by the journal’s editorial board, subsequent to which the editorial board reserves the right to request from the author(s) further revisions before proceeding with the article to advanced stages of peer-review.
Case commentaries should adhere to the following general outline:
1) Summary of the facts of the case;
2) (for comparative law case commentaries) how the legal situation in the jurisdiction being reviewed compares to the Indonesian legal context, or to the general trends in most jurisdictions; and
3) Discussions of the value of the judgment being reviewed brings to the law. The foregoing of course does not mean that the authors need to attach to each section a title which strictly corresponds to the nature of those sections.
Each image being featured in an article should credit its source (if the picture(s) concerned is (are) made by the author, then the author must credit his or herself).
We encourage the usage of Zotero, Mendeley, or other citation softwares for the bibliography section.
Submit your article here by 30 June 2024.
Authors with accepted submissions may be given financial incentives.
For further information concerning print submissions, contact Muhammad Raihan Sjahputra ( or +6281392718718).